in the midst is not a publication designed for...* conversations of deep ecclesiology, theology, eschatology, or any other -ology discussed on a seminary campus. for that kind of discussion, i would point you to my friend
tony jones. bring a dictionary.
* conversations of deep politic. although i cannot guarantee the occasional rant against karl rove and his minions, go visit
rick instead.
* conversations about mini coopers or mac computers. although i think both are great, you would be better served to visit my friend
todd's blog.
* beautiful conversations about spirituality and faith with such poor spelling as to ask the spirit for the gift of interpretation. no, my friends. no one can do that like
* and finally, i can guarantee that this blog will not be dedicated (or even mention) the pursuit of running.
marymuses is your source for all things fitness related.
well then, what else is left, you ask? oh, there's plenty.
in the midst is indeed a publication where you will find...* observations of people, places, and things that i make throughout the day which i believe are too interesting for me to keep to myself.
example: the muzak at hobby lobby is truly horrible. i was in there today, and they were playing the absolute worst rendition of "be thou my vision" (on saxophone...) that i have ever heard. come on, hobby lobby. do you think you're really bringing people to jesus with this stuff?* original pithy sayings.
example: ladies and gentlemen. when shopping for new clothes, always remember that just because they make it in your size, this does not mean that you should wear it.* recommendations on books, music, and video.
i don't think we need an example here - it's pretty self explanatory...* heartwrenchingly adorable stories of the exploits of children i know and love.
example: today i was in the mall with my niece (she's thrteen months), and she waved at every person we walked past for about five minutes. i wanted to eat her up, it was so sweet.* the occasional recipe
* knitting stories (you can't wait, can you?)
* tales of big six adventures
and so on, and so forth.
so, let the blogging begin!