Monday, September 05, 2005

one more on katrina...

by rick casey, houston chronicle

Is Katrina whispering in our ears?
Some preachers tell us Katrina is God's way of telling us to repent.

New Orleans is, to them, Sodom.

Biloxi, I suppose, is collateral damage.

I think God's message is much less sexy. God is lecturing us on economics.

Katrina is God's way of telling us that for all the power of the free enterprise system, it doesn't take care of everything.

In other words, thou shall not worship free markets.

Actually, a friend from New Orleans pointed out that the most free market in America over the past few days has been on the rubble-filled streets of his hometown.

It's a market totally without regulation.

You have armed thugs taking advantage of a crisis with all the moral depravity of Enron traders holding up California.

So let's begin by saying we need government to protect us from thugs, whether they be armed with guns or power switches.

But Katrina speaks of more than the terrors of anarchy. It speaks of the decaying concept of community.

read the entire article here

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